
Positive phrases to describe student behavior

_______ makes appropriate eye contact.

  • _______ has understandable speech.
  • _______ stays on task.
  • _______ uses a trial-and-error approach.
  • _______ has variable motivation levels.
  • _______ accepts mistakes.
  • _______ transitions well.
  • _______ learns from doing.
  • _______ notes detail.
  • _______ is willing to try again when he/she makes mistakes.
  • _______ applies him/herself.
  • _______ shows effort.
  • _______ thinks before acting
  • _______ is not afraid to ask for help.
  • _______ follows one-step directions.
  • _______ follows two-step directions.
  • _______ follows multi-step directions.
  • _______ ignores distractions.
  • _______ recognizes errors.
  • _______ can spell.
  • _______ is an active learner.
  • _______ is a visual learner.
  • _______ takes initiative.
  • _______ shows enthusiasm in learning.
  • _______ is respectful to classmates.
  • _______ communicates effectively.
  • _______ handles criticism well.
  • _______ demonstrates leadership skills.
  • _______ is a good problem solver.
  • _______ consistently meets deadlines.
  • _______ contributes positively to class discussions.
  • _______ displays a positive attitude in class.
  • _______ works well independently.
The Guru

Written by MBarq

I am a post graduate in English from Kashmir University . I have been teaching literature for last 15 years and now working with Foundation World School as English Mentor

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ACE Notes: A guide to well-maintained Student notebooks