
Psychology matters

Asalaamu alikum Everyone 

Today I wish to write about psychology which really matters the most in knowing students in depth.As a teacher it’s very important to know the students in every aspect like apart from classroom situations we must know what is bothering them . Definitely there’re many reasons behind unexpected behaviours like peer pressure,less encouragement, parental negligence, separation issues , adjustment issues and so on.Instead of labelling students it’s most important to be a source of helping hand.

“Be a beacon in someone’s life”.Be kind spread happiness and joy in their lives as such students needed the most.Apart from academic responsibility hold a responsibility to behave as a partner.Such a partner who acts like a parent,treat them as their own kids. A real teacher not only teaches but helps students to do practicing of what they learn.

                    “BE  KIND  BE   HELPFUL” 

Guiding Light

Written by ShaziaRashidWani

Asalaamu alikum

This is Shazia Rashid. My profession is teaching as I have done Master's in English as well as M. Ed .I love teaching as well as learning new things each day updating my knowledge and Skills. I am interested in learning new IT skills.

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