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Cambridge International Schools: A gateway for student mobility

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Thriving Cambridge (CAIE) curriculum Schools in India: A gateway for student mobility and Internationalization of higher education

Mr. Krishna Kumar M. R., Principal, Jindal Vidya Mandir, Mob: 9995137927

In the context of globalization and increased job disruption, it is vital to building a learning ecosystem that enhances student mobility and internationalization of education. Neoteric learners prefer to expand their academic desires to the endless opportunities of learning provided by universities around the globe. The process of internationalization and student mobility in higher education in India will happen effectively by providing an international approach to education at the school level. For that purpose, the school education should be induced with the elements of international mindedness, global thinking, diverse faculties and domains, and a curriculum that is more flexible, spiral, and adaptable to the changing needs.

The international school curriculum offered by Cambridge (CAIE) is offering a more flexible, innovative, and adaptive approach with wide acceptance by top universities and institutions globally. Hence it is vital to have a profound curriculum that creates a foundation for the international aspects and embraces the growing needs and changes in the ever-changing and technologically advanced world order.

At Higher education, Beginning with Takshashila, which attracted thousands of global learners studying in a range of subject areas, student mobility and internationalisation began to take place in ancient India. Later, the University of Nalanda attracted a large number of academics from around the world. Analysing the past, it is evident that India has the potential to outbound and inbound student mobility with great endurance. Today, many of our universities are capable to accept students from abroad by providing advanced curriculum and infrastructure with a minimal cost compared to prime institutions around the globe.

It is important to provide a congenial atmosphere for inward student mobility and develop competence for outward mobility by providing the school education framework and exposure. To let the internationalization and student mobility take place, international curricula such as Cambridge (CAIE) can contribute to a larger extent.

This article aims to summaries the relevance of international curricula, such as Cambridge (CAIE curricula in setting a gateway to the internationalisation of education and enhanced student mobility in the context of Indian higher education.

“International education” represents a new strategic direction in comprehensive education that broadens viewpoints, establishes various relationships, and fosters innovation and ideas across boundaries. The definition of “international education” is still being debated. Global learning ensures that students are exposed to many cultures, ethnic groups, faiths, and languages, improving society in the process and enhancing everyone’s academic experience. The world of international education is a melting pot of people. Naturally, it also creates a multicultural learning atmosphere, which makes it the perfect venue for raising pupils’ cultural awareness and encouraging their appreciation of people from different backgrounds.

To promote India as a global destination for higher education and Internationalization National education policy 2020 stipulates various measures, such as facilitating research, teaching partnerships, and educator exchange with large foreign universities and approving a relevant mutualistic memorandum of understanding with foreign countries.

Stimulating high-performing Indian universities to establish campuses in many other countries, selecting foreign universities among the best to operate in India, and establishing an Inter-University Consortium for Higher Education are some measures to be taken. (Internationalization of Higher Education, n.d.).

Globalization has heightened the demand for internationalising education. Higher education has seen this in the form of campuses located all over the world, partnerships between institutions and academics for international research, the development of an international curriculum, and greater teacher and student mobility.

As a result of globalisation, the role of higher education has evolved, and universities are now accountable for making sure that their graduates possess the abilities to succeed in the modern world in addition to subject-specific knowledge and skills.

In order to compete in this new global environment, students must graduate with a global mindset, the ability to function in and communicate across cultural barriers, and the essential set of 21st Century abilities.

To develop this cross-cultural and multijurisdictional skill-set, which is becoming more and more popular in higher education around the world, student mobility or study abroad programmes are one popular choice.

Studying abroad can take many different forms, such as finishing an entire degree programme at a foreign university, participating in year- or semester-long exchange programmes overseas, attending summer camps, landing a short-term internship, or taking part in cultural immersion programmes.

Over the past ten years, several universities have set up an international office or team that focuses on expanding and establishing opportunities for student mobility.

However, in the context of India, student mobility has traditionally been linked to Indian students who complete all or part of their degrees in countries like the US, the UK, or Australia (Internationalisation of Higher Education and Student Mobility – | O.P. JINDAL GLOBAL UNIVERSITY, n.d.)

However, these efforts are very limited in tapping the potential of India as an international destination for higher education. In the past India was highly concentrated on outbound mobility and catering minimal to the possibility of inbound mobility of international students. India as an ancient civilisation has a rich history of catering to internationalisation and inbound student mobility through the ancient and most reputed universities like Takshasila and Nalanda. It is observed that students from different nationalities studied at Takshasila and it was known as a global destination for international students.

Today, India as a nation with enormous opportunity must promote inbound mobility along with outbound mobility and cater to the scope and prospects of internationalisation in higher education. The education environment in India and elsewhere is changing gradually due to the demand for an international curriculum-based education and the growing significance of the Cambridge Assessment systems.

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Written by krishnazyber


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