
Heutagogy: A Self-Determined approach for neoteric learners

Heutagogy: An Effective Self-Determined Approach for Neoteric Learners.

Krishna Kumar M.R, Principal, Jindal Vidya Mandir, Lakeview, Bellary, Karnataka, Mob : 9995137927

In the digital age of learning, it is important to craft a learning process that matches the interests and abilities of the learner. Neoteric learners prefer to use advanced technology-based gadgets and social media platforms for their learning needs. The purpose of this paper is to compile the ideas behind transforming conventional learning environments into a more self-determined heuristic approach to learning. More effective self-reflective double-loop learning, which moves through a nonlinear path, is suggested for neoteric learners. Changing demands in the job market point to the need for a restructured and profound approach to learning. Capability building is considered a core skill rather than attaining competencies. 

Advancement in technology leads to more innovative behavior in Neoteric learners. To enable a congenial atmosphere and to accelerate learning, we need to incorporate learning activities that match the advancement of technology. A self-determined and autonomous approach to learning needs to be promoted. A heutagogy-based learning environment will provide neoteric learners with a methodology that suits their learning needs.

The purpose of this paper is to compile the ideas behind transforming pedagogy and andragogy-based programs into a more self-determined heuristic approach to learning. The role of self-motivation and change in mindset and their impacts on learners are stated throughout this paper. More effective self-reflective double loop learning, which moves through a nonlinear path, is suggested for neoteric learners. It is of great importance to realize the significance of lifelong learning in a technologically advanced global world. Changing demands in the job market point to the need for a restructured and profound approach to learning. Capability building is considered a core skill rather than attaining competencies. This paper titled “Heutagogy: An Effective Self-Determined Approach for Neoteric Learners” underlies the importance of bringing a heutagogy approach to the learning behavior of Neoteric learners.

Neoteric Learners

The word neoteric is adapted from the Late Latin word neotericus, which also means “recent.” Neoteric learners are modern learners who are more exposed to the advancement of technology. Neoteric learners are digital natives who use digital devices and electronic gadgets for their learning. Neoteric learners are more connected to social media platforms and MOOCs to fulfill their learning needs. Neoteric learners are more mastery-oriented than performance-oriented. Neoteric learners are more autonomous learners and prefer self-learning.

 Heutagogy and Its Dimensions

                         Heutagogy is otherwise known as self-determined learning. Unlike pedagogy, it is an instructional strategy where the learners are more self-determined and autonomous. Heutagogy is the science of making learning more independent, determined and collaborative. The idea of heutagogy was first proposed by Stewart Hase and Chris Kenyon (2000) as the study of self-determined learning. The theory applies a holistic approach to developing learner capacity and capability and makes learners “the major agent in their own learning, which occurs as a result of personal experience” (Blaschke, Lisa Marie, 2012; Hase & Kenyon, 2007). Heutagogy is considered to be a continuum of the self-directed learning theory “andragogy.”. It is a transformation of a learner from pedagogy to andragogy, then to heutagogy. 

Integration and implementation of heutagogy based learning program for learners has got strategical importance. An intelligent intervention into the content and mode of knowledge delivery is needed while delivering heutagogy based learning program among neoteric learners. Unlike traditional learning environments heutagogy based learning should offer both intrinsic and extrinsic motivating environment. A self-determined approach needed to be encouraged among neoteric learners while implementing Heutagogy approach in learning. It takes revolutionary steps to restructure the linear, structured and rigid approach to learning.

The primary step to implementing a heutagogy approach is to develop a growth mindset among neoteric learners. Heutagogy approach cannot be successfully implemented unless teachers and learners get deeply determined for a change and possess an urge to grow. A congenial environment for growth is needed for that mind shift and it is essential to provide that learning environment for neoteric learners.


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