
#8 Bilingual nurseries

Bilingual nurseries

At bilingual nurseries, children speak, listen, read, write and play using two languages. 

At nursery age, children’s minds are particularly receptive to new language. Learning two languages is also found to improve overall cognition, including multi-tasking and problem-solving, and boost communication and social skills.

Some nurseries even offer multilingualism.

Bilingual nurseries use:

  • Consistency in language use. For example, if it’s French – English bilingual, some teachers will use only English and others will use only French. This helps children to compartmentalise which language is which.
  • Some are wholly immersive, so only the child’s second language is used while they’re at nursery.
  • Nurseries follow their country’s national curriculum, with activities to learn reading, writing, maths, science, communication and physical development done in both languages.
  • Learning about multiple cultures.
The Guru

Written by raukiya

I am creative and resilient, endeavours to achieve my goal and have been in learning process.

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#7 Froebelian nurseries

The Significant Seven