
What Are Teaching Aids?

The meaning of teaching aids is the use of tools and objects leveraged for making learning experience. There are various types of teaching aids available such as audio and video aids that you can use in the classroom to make the learning more interactive for your students.

They can also be in the form of videos, presentations, working models, etc., and help you grab the attention of your students to the topic being discussed in the classroom. Some teaching aid examples include the use of Flashcards, Charts, Pictures, Models, etc., to enhance the learning experience.

Types of Teaching Aids

Visual Aids

Visual aids are different visual materials like pictures, diagrams, and charts to help students easily understand the given topic. By visualizing the content, it becomes easier for teachers to grab students’ attention towards the lesson.

For example, if you want to make them learn about the solar system, it is better to teach them about all the planets with their names through a diagram than just going through a book. There are several school management software available that you can use to create interactive learning courses. By signing in their portals, the students can access their courses for free with their student ID.

Audio Aids

Audio aids involve the use of audio to help students learn lessons. This type of learning helps your students to improve their listening skills. Audio Aids might involve playing the paragraph audio, making students listen to it carefully, and answering questions put by you.

Some examples of audio aids are radio and tape recorders. These aids can help in making learning more enjoyable.

Tactile Aids

Tactile aids are the kind of objects that students can touch and feel, thus making learning a complete hands-on experience. For instance, when you are teaching them about human anatomy, you can use a skeleton to make them understand about different parts of the body.

These types of aids make the students’ learning experience interesting by letting them explore the given object with a sense of touch.

Interactive Aids

Interactive aids are a kind of materials that enables your students to actively participate in various learning activities. They can be in the form of educational apps, fun games, or quizzes that challenge their minds to find answers.

For example, you can create quizzes for tables in an app where students can learn tables while playing.

Real-Life Aids

These are things that students encounter in everyday lives that help them to learn. For example, when they visit a zoo and see animals in closeup, you can explain their traits and characters to them. Real-life aids help to bring learning to life and make learning more meaningful.

Audio visual aids

Audio visual aids are a kind of instructional device that is used to deliver the teaching lessons more effectively via sounds and visuals. These types of aids assist in simulating students’ sensory organs like ears and eyes to help them quickly comprehend the lessons being taught in the classroom. Some types of audio-visual aids include Filmstrips, Microfilms, Slides, Opaque Projector, Tape Recording, etc.

The Guru

Written by raukiya

I am creative and resilient, endeavours to achieve my goal and have been in learning process.

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