
Strategies for Refusal to Do Something

When a child refuses to do what’s expected of them, try:

  • Giving them a choice of two things you want them to do (e.g. ‘Do you want some banana or some apple?’). 
  • Asking them why they don’t want to do it, if they are of an age where they can explain this to you.
  • Explaining to them why you want them to do something. This can help to persuade them that it really is necessary.

To reduce the likelihood that a child will refuse to do what you’ve asked, make sure that you always:

  • Give plenty of warning of change ? try sand timers or visual timetables.  
  • Choose activities that they like to build up a habit of compliance.  
  • Shorten the length of time of the activity.  
  • Change the activity or social grouping.
  • Make sure that the activity is appropriate to them.  
  • Give lots of positive attention when the child participates in adult.
The Guru

Written by raukiya

I am creative and resilient, endeavours to achieve my goal and have been in learning process.

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How to Stop a Child From Hitting, Kicking, Pinching, or Scratch

Strategies for Tantrums