
Classroom Management Theory 5

The psychoanalytical theory is one of the oldest theories in psychology. It gives importance to the unconscious thoughts and perceptions that have a significant impact on a student. Sigmund Freud developed this theory.
Teachers are encouraged to look at the root or cause of a student’s behavior. It claims that a student can misbehave due to four reasons:

  • Attention-seeking: Misbehaving to gain attention from peers or teachers.
  • Power-seeking: Misbehaving to seek power as they feel alone or like an outsider.
  • Revenge-seeking: Misbehaving because they feel mistreated.
  • Feelings of inadequacy: Misbehaving because they feel like they have failed or aren’t capable of success.
  • c@Teachmint
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The Guru

Written by MBarq

I am a post graduate in English from Kashmir University . I have been teaching literature for last 15 years and now working with Foundation World School as English Mentor

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Classroom Management Theory 4

Classroom Management Theory 6