
The Importance of Teaching Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).

The reform in education involves being updated to the skills that learners are in need to copewith the demands of the 21st century. These demands include innovation, life and career skillsand technology skills. Importantly, such demands require learners to have an acceptable levelof communication, collaboration critical thinking and creativity besides other skills. Thus,Rentawati et al (2018) stated that that the 21st-century skills can be divided into two maincategories; abstract and concrete skills. It is worth mentioning that higher order thinking skillsbelong to the abstract skills, whereas communication and collaboration are concrete. Moreover,creative thinking skills and critical thinking skills are tied up with enhancement of the higher￾order thinking skills (HOTS).

It is important to mention that Bloom’s different levels of skills were divided by researchersinto higher (HOTS) and lower thinking skills (LOTS). The commitment towards HOTS camein line with the development of information and technology, where learners are in need for different competences to cope with the huge amount of information, such as analysis, synthesisand evaluation (Halili,2015). Some researchers also believe that HOTS tend to be essential indeveloping lifelong learning, that enables learners to respond effectively to the 21st centurydemands (Rentawati et al, 2018). Although much of research effort is in favor improving teaching and learning HOTS, there are challenges that confront this goal starting from the curriculum, moving to the classroom practices. 

C@ IO Hots

The Guru

Written by MBarq

I am a post graduate in English from Kashmir University . I have been teaching literature for last 15 years and now working with Foundation World School as English Mentor

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