
What Is An Argumentative Essay?

The argumentative essay is one which is used to present an argument surrounding two side of any particular issue. The essay can be written as a way of presenting both sides of the argument as equal or it might be written with one side taking preference over the other. This would be done when the writer has a specific opinion on the topic.

How To Write An Argumentative Essay

If you are going to write an argumentative essay, there are certain points to consider before you begin. Most essays of this type are structured in a uniform way, as follows:

Introduction: This section is used as a way to get the attention of the reader and often includes a hook, the thesis statement and a general outline of what the essay is going to be about.

Body: The body of the argumentative essay is used to present the initial argument along with any facts or data that support it.

Counterargument: The counterargument of the essay is a section dedicated to showing the opposing side of the argument that was previously discussed. Once again, facts and data should be included.

Conclusion: When writing a conclusion to an argumentative essay, the writer should sum up all of the points that have been made, present a call to action and refer to the thesis statement once again.

When writing this type of essay, there are two models which are usually used, these are the Rogerian model and the Toulmin model. They are structured as follows:

The Rogerian model lays out two sides of an argument and gives weaknesses and strengths related to both. After this, the author can give a recommendation of his or her own thoughts based on the evidence provided.

The Toulmin model will show an introduction to the subject using a claim or a thesis and will then present the reader with facts to support this claim. The author will then make use of warrants to show the reasons that this claim should be supported as well as ways it can be rebutted.

Some further tips for writing a good argumentative essay are as follows:

Write on a topic that you feel passionate about. This will ensure that you put across a good argument. Your passion for the subject will be reflected in your writing.

It is very important that you gather your facts and data prior to writing. You should always ensure that you use credible sources to make sure that facts are real and up to date.

Don’t forget to outline your essay before you start to write, this way you are able to structure your work and make sure that all the important points are included.

If you are arguing one specific side of a topic, it is important that you are aware of the opposing points so that you can refute them in a realistic manner. So don’t forget to research these as well.

The Guru

Written by raukiya

I am creative and resilient, endeavours to achieve my goal and have been in learning process.

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