
Paradigm shift in educational pedagogy from past to present.

Humans have been evolving since the beginning of their lifetime. Change is said to be constant irrespective of any time or field. We have been changing ourselves to adapt better in this fast changing world with world class technology. The 21st century is said to be the digital era of humankind. We as individuals have changed our perspective for life where we open heartedly welcome any new change irrespective of its kind. 

Education too doesn’t fall back in this changing world. Education has witnessed vast changes in its pedagogical forms from past to present. The paradigm i.e and ability to see things from one perspective about education has also seen shifts in recent times. The profound transformation in education is the real key to the modern day success which we see.

Traditional pedagogy 

Traditional pedagogy was more teacher centred pedagogy. There the major authority of the classroom remained with the teacher. The education was often standardised with one type of curriculum where students were accessed only on their skills of recalling. The diverse needs of learners were not even considered and they were often labelled as incompetent or lazy. Teachers deliver content through lecture format and students are expected to memorise the given material leaving no room for their own creativity or critical thinking. The focus was on rote learning and the acquisition of facts, with success measured by the ability to recall information during examinations. This methodology was highly practised considering the industrial need of the time were discipline, adherence to norms were key ideologies for successful career in workforce.

Present pedagogy 

Slowly as times changed, the paradigm of education shifted from teaching to learning. The approach to value a student’s active role in the learning process started becoming highly important. The idea of education being more experimental and personalised was considered more fruitful than ever. In the learner’s centred pedagogy where teachers role shifted to facilitators or guides. The emphasis is on fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity rather than mere rote memorization. Learning is seen as a dynamic process, where students construct knowledge through interaction with their environment, peers, and teachers.

One of the key features of this shift is the recognition of diverse learning styles and the need for differentiated instruction. Educators are encouraged to tailor their teaching methods to meet the varying needs of students, recognizing that each learner has a unique way of processing information. This approach has led to the development of more inclusive educational practices that cater to students with different abilities, backgrounds, and interests.

Additionally, there is a growing recognition of the importance of lifelong learning, where education is seen as an ongoing process that extends beyond formal schooling. The future of pedagogy will likely involve a greater focus on fostering a growth mindset, adaptability, and preparing learners to navigate the complexities of the 21st century.


The paradigm shift in educational pedagogy from past to present reflects a broader transformation in our understanding of teaching and learning. From the rigid, teacher-centred approaches of the past to the dynamic, learner-centred models of today, education has become more inclusive, personalised, and responsive to the needs of the learner. As we continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age, this shift will play a crucial role in shaping the future of education.

-Saloni Mehta

Encouraging Educator

Written by Saloni2201

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