
Versatile Skills for Success Beyond the Classroom

The role of education today is not only to provide students with academic knowledge but also to develop various skills that can help them navigate the ever-evolving world with success. The world today is very competitive and fast-changing. In my journey as an A Level educator for the past 15 years, I believe it is our duty to equip students with a diverse set of skills, preparing them to navigate and succeed in the world beyond the classroom. It is the development of such skills that will lead to the creation of future changemakers. We all are well versed with 21st century skills but how can we inculcate and develop these skills among our students? Sharing a few examples of how these skills can be developed among high school students.

1. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Allowing learners to organize and participate in various events encourages them to think critically towards solving complex problems. This helps learners to develop analytical skills to address real-world challenges. Eg. Events like organizing MUNs develops research skills among the learners which leads to critical thinking & problem solving.

2. Collaboration and Teamwork: Any event often require learners to work in teams, facilitating collaboration and teamwork. Learning to work effectively with others, share responsibilities, and leverage each other’s strengths prepares them for collaborative work environment. Eg. Participating in global competitions enables students to work in a team and at the same time apply the knowledge that they have learned from Business, Economics, Psychology, Information Technology etc.

3. Communication Skills: Students enhance their communication skills by presenting ideas, explaining concepts, and engaging in various discussions. This includes both verbal and written communication, which are crucial for almost any career. Students participating in and organizing a professional event like a TEDx forum enables them to communicate with stakeholders from varied professional backgrounds.

4. Leadership Skills: Taking the lead, and curating unique events allows students to develop effective leadership skills. They learn to take the initiative, make decisions, delegate tasks, and motivate peers, which are extremely essential attributes in all round development. Eg. Taking the lead in driving various club activities in high school makes students more responsible.

5. Time Management: Profile building is very essential when students start applying to various universities. Balancing event organization with academic responsibilities teaches students effective time management. They learn to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and manage their time efficiently, which is essential in both personal and professional life.

6. Practical Application of Knowledge: Students must be able to practically apply the knowledge learned in the classroom. It helps to bridge the gap between theory and practice. This enhances their understanding and retention of academic concepts while showing how these concepts are used in real-world scenarios. Eg. Participating in various social outreach projects, engaging in internships and job shadowing make the theoretical knowledge come alive.

7. Creativity and Innovation: Events often involve creative thinking [can be in any form]and innovative ideas where students need to come up with unique ideas &  implement them effortlessly , imbibing an innovative mindset which is the need of the hour. Students should always consider interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to solve everyday problems thus enabling them to bring about impactful change.

8. Networking and Relationship Building: Networking is the key to success in present day and students need to develop this attribute strongly. Reaching out to alumni, joining summer school, attending workshops, seminars and webinars can give a lot of exposure to the practical world and relationship building.

9. Resilience and Adaptability: The challenges faced during an event organization and participation brings forth the students’ ability to address them effectively, thereby inculcating resilience and adaptability. Students learn to cope with uncertainties and adapt to changing circumstances, which drives them to manage pressure effectively. For eg. A sporting event or a challenging sport brings out the strength of character and helps to develop resilience.

10. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity: The presence of diverse and versatile groups in an event develops a strong sense of cultural awareness and sensitivity. This opens up horizons to multicultural environments enabling understanding of global perspectives and creation of a global outlook to promote progress. Also, it helps the development of the emotional bandwidth to deal with success and failure in equal measure.

The world is changing very fast, and developing these skills amongst our learners is imperative. This definitely is going to be beneficial for them to face the world as they are the Learners of Today, but the Leaders of Tomorrow. 

Varsha Kusnur

A Level Supervisor & Career Counsellor

Prabhavati Padamshi Soni International Junior College


Written by VarshaKusnur

I Varsha Kusnur from Prabhavati Padamshi Soni Int Junior College currently A Level Supervisor from 2021. Earlier Faculty of  Sociology from 2009 onwards.

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