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Cambridge Better Learning Moments

Better Learning Moments 2020

Celebrating and Rewarding Teachers who create Better Learning Moments using Cambridge Resources.

Nothing makes a teacher prouder than seeing a student succeed, knowing that you have been able to truly reach out and help give students the skills they need for the future. Achieving that ‘AHA moment’ takes efforts and commitment, and we at Cambridge University Press want to celebrate and reward these efforts by your teachers.

We want to hear your stories from the classroom!
We want to hear how Cambridge learning resources have helped put across a concept more effectively for students, thus creating better learning. Or how a lesson enabled you to teach a concept more effectively and got the students how excited and engaged. Tell us how you are bringing active learning in your classroom using Cambridge Resources.

Inviting teachers to add their most memorable moment in the pool of Cambridge Better Learning Moments’ treasure.

What the teachers need to do:

  1. Share a Better Learning Moment from your classroom.
  2. Tell us which Cambridge Learning Resource helped you achieve that moment and select which 21st century skill it enabled.
  3. Share images or videos or worksheets of students as evidence.

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Written by Team Cambridge

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Bringing Active Learning with Cambridge Expert Simon Lind

Encouraging Decision-making and Enhancing Critical Thinking in Learners