
शिक्षा और नैतिक गुण

शिक्षा मानव के सर्वांगीण विकास की कुंजी है जो शिक्षा व्यक्ति में नैतिक गुणों का विकास करती है उसके चरित्र को उज्जवल बनाती है उसमें मानवता के उदास गुणों को जागृत करती है उसे नैतिक शिक्षा कही जाती है | 

इस शिक्षा से विभूषित व्यक्ति सदैव  उदार अनुशासित शांतिप्रिय जागरूक  चरित्रवान सहयोगी और कर्तव्यनिष्ठ साथ ही साथ सेवा परायण होता है , जिस प्रकार आहार और निद्रा अति आवश्यक है उसी प्रकार मानव बनने के लिए मानवीय गुणों से युक्त होना भी परम आवश्यक है| मानव में मानवीय गुण साहित्य के माध्यम से आता है |

आचार्य रामचंद्र शुक्ल जी ने ठीक ही कहा है कि साहित्य समाज का दर्पण होता है साहित्य और समाज दोनों का अटूट संबंध है साहित्य और समाज दोनों एक दूसरे के पूरक हैं साहित्य समाज को सुसंस्कृत बनाता है और अतीत से वर्तमान तक समाज का ज्ञान कराता है|

भौतिक विकास के पीछे दौड़ रही दुनिया ने आज जरा ठहरकर सांस ली तो उसे अहसास हुआ कि चमक-धमक के फेर में क्या कीमत चुकाई जा रही है। 

आज  के साहित्य में त्याग और समर्पण न सीखकर स्वार्थ ,लालच इन भावनाओं पर ज्यादा जोर दिया जा रहा है| 

हम सभी शिक्षक की यह नैतिक जिम्मेदारी है कि छात्रों को पढ़ते समय, बताते समय नैतिक विषयों से जरूर जोड़ें क्योंकि आज का विद्यार्थी कल का एक जागरूक नागरिक होगा |


Report Issue
Encouraging Educator

Written by mishramansa

Short Bio:

A Doctoral degree recipient and a focused Hindi teacher with 17 years of vast experience in schools and colleges. Good stage show anchor/host, approachable and motivating.

Objective: To be a team member of a highly esteemed, well-disciplined institution and develop and deliver inputs for the betterment of the students, institutions and the nation at large.


Personal Achievements:  

Published book  “Aditya Se Sahitya Tak

Organized workshop on Hindi Ke Badhate Kadam with HINDI SAHITYA ACADEMY                                        

Scheduled TED-Ed talk in HIND language 


Speaker @ Lit Fest for Appreciation of Hindi Language and Literacy with Teachers help teachers

Core Competencies:

ª Proficient with Hindi Language Teaching.

ª Sound Knowledge of the curriculum design and syllabus of the language.

ª Immense ability to teach, learn and perform towards success of students, organization and country at large.

ª Exemplary Relationship Management, communication skills with ability to network with students, parents, colleagues, principals, professors and teachers of reputed institutions.

ª Hosted/Anchored various stage shows/dramas during annual day celebrations.

Professional Experience (Total = 17 Years)

Head of Department (Hindi- ICSE & IGCSE) at JBCN International School (Borivali Branch), June 2013 to till date.

Hindi Teacher at Public Night Hindi High School, Santacruz (E). (2009 to 2013)

Degree College Administration at Public Night Degree College at Santacruz (E) (2002 to 2009)

Educational and Professional Qualification:

ª Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.) from University of Mumbai in 2016.

ª M.Phil. in “1084 ke Maa ka anushilan” from University of Mumbai in 2007.

ª M.A. in HINDI Literature with First Class from University of Mumbai- Sathaye College in 2002.

ª B.Ed from University Of Mumbai - Chembur Education Society in 2001.

ª B.A. in HINDI Literature with First Class from University of Mumbai- Sathaye College in 1999.

ª MS-CIT certification with First Class from Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.

Role as a Teacher:

Executed exceptional Knowledge of Language teaching methods and methodology.

Tutored students, utilizing teaching methods that include demonstrative methods.

Utilized all the adoptable methods viz. audio-visual aids, mind map and other teaching aids.

Set up classroom debates and oral presentations to encourage use of language skills.

Followed the curriculum guidelines to prepare course objectives and outlines.

Conducted tests to evaluate students’ progress, recorded results and issued reports.


Role as Head of the department:

Curated the curriculum of IGCSE and ICSE from grades 1-10 for the network of JBCN Schools.

Assigned lessons on regular basis to check progress ensuring timely corrections.

Organised, conceptualised the event and compered in an art integrated festival and language appreciation through the literary works of Sir Harivansh Rai Bacchan in 2018.

Maintained quality of standards set forth by institution and followed state rules.

Participated in educational conferences and Teacher Training workshops to keep skills up to date. Met with parents to discuss the progress and problems of each student.

In charge of the Interact Club, a Rotary Student Body of JBCN School since 2013

Workshops and Courses attended:

ª IGCSE Workshop in Ahmedabad & Hyderabad.

ª Mind Map Practitioner workshop.

ª IB Workshop level -1 at Mumbai held in November 2012.

ª All level courses of CAIE

ª The Educator Enrichment Program, a series of sessions focussing on the skills required by a 21st century educator.

ª Stress Management and Performance management by Jindal Institute of behavioural Sciences.

Workshops and Courses conducted by me:

ª Appreciation of Language and Literacy in Hindi Language at Lit Fest with Teachershelpteachers on 7th September 2020.

ª Facilitated the MISA Cell meet for Middle School on 10 July’ 22.

ª Professional Development Workshops for my department from time to time- Strategies and ed- tech tools to enhance the teaching learning process, and guidelines on lesson planning.

Achievements & Awards:

ª Hindi Drama at Interschool level (Women Empowerment) --------2 nd Prize.

ª Ad- Adventures Competition (On –Spot Advertisement) ----------1 st Prize.

ª Hindi Elocution Competition--------------------------------------------- 3 rd Prize

ª Inter-Collegiate Short Story Competition (Hindi) ------------------- Encouragement Prize.

ª Fancy Dress Competition---------------------------------------------------2 nd Prize.

ª Hair Style Competition--------------------------------------------------- 3 rd Prize.

ª Dance Competition ---------------------------------------------------- 3 rd Prize.


ª Attended Vishwa Hindi Sammelan in Bhopal in 2015.

ª Organized language Festival & Kavi Sammelan in JBCN International School.

ª Participated in “Global Village Domestic Volunteering Program” organized by Habitat for Humanity.

ª “Awareness Program of Leprosy (Kusht Rog)” organized by Maharashtra Government.

ª “Awareness Program of Pulse Polio” organized by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM).

ª Dance Competition, Essay Competition- Participation Prize.

ª Two day’s Workshop on “Daleet Women’s Empowerment and Their Revolutions”.

ª 2-day Workshop on “Electronic Media”.

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