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A dangling modifier usually occurs at the beginning of a sentence, although it can appear elsewhere. It’s called “dangling” because it doesn’t have anything in the sentence to modify, or it’s attached to the wrong word. This can lead to confusion or unintentionally humorous meanings. To correct a dangling modifier, you typically need to clarify the subject of the modifying phrase or clause.Dangling modifiers often result from unclear or misplaced phrases in a sentence. They can lead to confusion because they don’t correctly describe the intended subject. To avoid them, ensure that the phrase or clause clearly modifies the appropriate word or phrase in the sentence. This may involve rephrasing the sentence or adding more context to clarify the intended meaning.

The Guru

Written by MBarq

I am a post graduate in English from Kashmir University . I have been teaching literature for last 15 years and now working with Foundation World School as English Mentor

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