
“The Impact of Teaching on Society”

Education matters both for the individual and for the society as a whole. Highly effective teachers can have an

enriching effect on the daily lives of the children and their life long education and career aspiration. The role of a

teacher in society is significant and valuable. Many teachers described the teacher in a different way. Some says

dispenser of knowledge and some says as leader, councilor, coach, facilitator and role model. However, the teacher

plays a lead role in the future of the students and the society. The teacher has to be knowledgeable, competent and

morally upright. The teacher must be aware of outside school system. It is the fact that hard working teacher is admired

by the students and the society. When the teacher sows the seed of knowledge in learners mind it impacts the society

in various fields. Education is a continuous process which enables people to acquire collective knowledge they use their

knowledge to change the society. When you educate young minds and nurture them with values and ethics they bring

the positive change in the society they also impact their knowledge and their learning in the society. Teaching learning

process is helpful to every individual to be independent. He or she needn’t depend upon any one for any financial

support. Education helps one to understand the calculations in their day to day life. Education also teaches the

fundamental rights of an individual. Education teaches how to be a cultured human being in the society.

I would like to share one of my experience as a facilitator in the year 1991 I had a learner named Laxmi Kanth Reddy

who was from a poor family background. His father was a farmer in a village and his mother a house wife. But they

wanted their son to become a doctor. They worked so hard to remit the fee of their son. Sometimes they even skipped

their meal. All the teachers including me motivated him saying that you will surely become a doctor and fulfil the

dreams of your parents. He was highly inspired by the facilitators. He has put heart and soul in his studies. He was very

passionate learner. Some times during the power cut he used to study under candle light. He strongly believed that he

will become a doctor one day. At the age of five he used to sit with slate and slate pencil writing the words taught by

the teachers when other friends were enjoying play time. At times he used ask his teachers “Will I become a doctor?

“He always stood first in class. Looking at his passion towards studies the school management gave him double

promotion and free education till grade 10th. He was also given scholar ship during his higher education. His parents

were very happy to see their son’s academic progress. His will power and determination made him a doctor. Now he is

having his own clinic in his native place. He knows the difficulty of poor people at his place and started rendering his

services for free of cost for the poor and charges minimum amount from others. Now his parents are contended having

such a responsible son.

The motivation which was given by his facilitators and self-confidence made him a doctor. He is still in touch with me

he always says that I have become a doctor just because of you and your motivational words. When I heard that he

became a doctor tears rolled down.

We see in today’s generation in spite of having ample resources children ignore education.

The experience which I have shared should inspire the coming generation.

A facilitator should always motivate his/her learners in reaching their desired goals. The teachers create doctors,

Scientists, Lawyers, engineers and all other professions. As a teacher I feel we need to create an environment in our

class rooms where the children are nurtured how to learn not what to learn. We should give utmost freedom to the

learners to speak, explore, play with their peer only then they will get exposed to the society and will be rendering their

impartial services to the society. We the teachers should encourage the children to read the newspaper at least for ten

minutes daily to bring the awareness on what is happening in and around the society. Every facilitator should cultivate

habit of starting their class with inspirational short stories with their learners and also encourage them to speak about

the society.

TEACHER- LEADER should always demonstrate integrity, honesty and professional ethics.

 Thank You

 Pakala Sharada

 Cambridge Primary Facilitator

 Delhi Public School Nacharam


Written by SharadadpsNH

I am passionate towards teaching and learning process.

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